Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Linky Party! Post-Its!

Today I am joining a Linky Party on Speech Time Fun's wonderful blog! The topic is Post-Its! I use these sticky notes for two main purposes: keeping track of what I have to do and TREASURE HUNTS

This is great for working on a variety of goals. I put different colored post-its around my therapy room and have kids follow the clues to a reinforcer (sticker, iPad, etc.). Clients can either answer questions to earn the next clue, follow directions on the clue card, or solve a riddle to discover where the next clue card is hidden!

                                        Possible Ideas for Clues:

 *Vocabulary: furniture, objects in the room
 *Literacy (reading clue card)  
 *Wh-Questions: What do we sit on? What do we read?
 *Answering any questions based on targeted goals: antonyms/synonyms,   metaphors, main idea of a story, etc.
                                                     Prepositions clue!